Presenting the "next look" in carsNEW 1950 STUDEBAKER
You get thriftplus luxuryin this new Studebaker!
This "next look"in cars is a"jet-propelled"look!
Here it is,America! The "next look"in cars!
Smart 1950 buy--this new Studebaker's thrift and value!
Thrillingly new -- in'next look' and 'next ride'!
Your thrifty 1950 buy--a value-packed new Studebaker!
More for your money in Studebaker's smart styling! of the 4 lowest price largest selling cars in America!
All eyesare on this'next look'in cars!
This Studebaker's'next look'is a years-ahead look!
Sleek new Studebaker styling saves gasoline for you!
This 'next look' in cars is a more-for-the-money look!
Range land and mountain trails and a thrifty Studebaker...
Styledahead foryearsto come!
'Studebaker'smy favoriteautomobile'
This Studebaker's'next look'is a sleekand fleet look!
This 'next look'in cars is a dreams-come-true look!
Voicila voiturehors pairde 1950
Une des autosa plusbas prixdu Canada...
Smart buyers oflowest price carssay... Now 4 tosee instead of 3
It's 4 cars...not just 3that lead thelowest price field
A new dayis herein lowest pricedcars!
Joe Andertand his sonsare fourgood reasons...
Youwaitand see, Dad...
This isthe painstakingkind ofcraftsmanship...
Remarkable newBorg-WarnerAutomaticTransmission
1950 isRed Hot for Studebaker dealers!
Big things are happening for Studebaker dealers...
NEW 1950 STUDEBAKERThe "next look" in cars8 page color brochure!
New modelannouncementmailer
...Theme song for Spring...Spring maintenance5 page folding brochure!
I'm readyfor hot weather...Summer maintenance5 page folding brochure!
Give a cheer for ACU!Fall maintenance5 page folding brochure!
StudebakerAutomatic Drive!5 page folding brochure!